Monday 7 August 2023

Alien Greys - Demons, Monsters, Aliens or something else?

Over the past 70 or so years, there have been thousands of testimonials featuring encounters with the famous 'Grey Alien'. Spurred on by Hollywood and the media, there are a variety of alien types that have been reported to have entered people's lives seemingly out of the blue. Varying in appearance and personality, often leaving a lasting impact on the lives of those who were encountered. Some are malevolent, terrifying and possibly demonic. 

However but there are stories of a more benevolent, peaceful and life changing encounter that effects the life of the visited in a more positive way. Let me share an experience that changed my life in a particularly difficult time. Although it's not a physical encounter (that I know of). The lasting effects are still with me. 

Around 20 years ago, I had a dream featuring what could be described as a very tall 'Grey Alien' (8ft tall min) being with almost no face or physical features except pale skin, who although being very striking to look at, gave off a very meternal feeling. We were in a desert at dusk, and it led me by the hand to a particular spot in this place. It began to draw a large verticle circle in the air that became a gold ring with a variety of strange moving numerals and letters shimmering upon it. Then a voice explained it was  demonstrating to me a principle of seeing things that are not obvious because we have not eyes to see..At that moment I understood the idea/concept and put it into practice by intuitively feeling there was a keypad in front of me. I started pressing numbers into what was first an invisible keypad, that became visible. This dream illustrated to me that in my life, there are opportunities waiting for me, I just need to clear my perception and find them! 

At the time, I was quite lost in my life and was in a bit of a downward spiral trajectory. When I woke up from this dream, I felt completely different. From that day on I managed to regain control of my life, stop partying so much, find a better job, improve my friendships (including end some and make some new ones) and get back into my art practice with renewed enthusiasm. What followed was 12 months of intense creativity and new work habits that I have until this day.

Quick sketch of the dream I had.

Did I meet a 'Grey' or was it something else? I may never know. Did you have an experience like this or similar? What should it be categorised as? 

Painting many years after the dream. Some very similar attributes I didn't notice until writing this post.

Below is a drawing of a face that appeared to me while meditating one day. The feeling of being in it's presence was overwhelming. I could feel it almost in my physical space and the image was very clear in my mind. So I drew it. 

Sketch of a face to face encounter (in my mind's eye) 

What are your thoughts on more subtle visitations? Although this is greatly different to the Grey Alien stories by the likes of Whitley Strieber? I wonder if there is a spiritual element to Grey Aliens.  

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